
I Wrote this web just to share what I think it is important to be shared, particularly for them who need to know. My name is no one. Nothing important. Just call me  Syofri.  I had been working  for about  30 years in about  4 big refineries, mainly in refinery operations, and stared as shift supervisor, Start-up coordinator for new unit in refinery as management for operation team, manufacturing manager and up to general manager 1-2 Refinery Nusantara, located in  the three major islands of Indonesia, Kalimantan, P. Java and Sumatra.

In the last 9 years, up to 2020, prepared and developed team startup several new unit in RefineriesNusantara such as Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking (RFCC) Unit and its Utilities facilities, Hytrotreating, CCR-Platforming and Naphtha Isomerization Unit. Developing Operation Capabilities for New Unit was very complex and challenged aspect for training period.

Those impressive experiences  will be chosen to be writen and  presented in this RefineryNusantara.com. Therefore, this paper is engineered to provide the best record, with the hope may be useful for the readers.

My first experiences was, starting as an young engineer, recruited by a Project team of Indonesia State  Oil Company and worked for PPK-BBM (Proyek Pengembangan Kilang-Bahan Bakar Minyak, November 1981)  in Jakarta. Later, after special training in South Sumatra and  this company assigned me to worked for in a Project-Plant site,  as a team with 7 others  engineers,  involved  supervising site preparation, making local scope of work and bid documents, tendered and supervised during construction .

My special assignment supervised during developing the Utilities plant, H2 steam reforming unit and Methanol Plant In East Kalimantan, all kind activities in preparation  start up team for the initial methanol palnt , started from pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up, Normal Operation, Shutdown and Turn Around / Scheduled Overhaul of the plant. Since that early stages, I used to manage an operation team of a process unit in refinery, old refinery, a new Refinery or involved to manage the whole refinery itself during start-up, during Overhaul and turn around the refinery, normal operation. Warking as shifr supervisor, as Production manager, Start-up and Commissioning Coordinator for a new unit, as Refinery Senior Manufacturing Manager, General Manager, etc. in Balikpapan-Kalimantan Refinery, Balongan Refinery, Cilacap Refinery and Plaju / Sungai Gerong Refinery in South Sumatra. In the last 9 years, prepared and developed team startup several new unit in RefineriesNusantara such as Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking (RFCC) Unit and its Utilities facilities, and Hydrotreating , CCR-Platforming and Naphtha Isomerization Unit.

Also an very impressive experienced was during managing preparing crude oils, estimated product and distributed product for the whole Refinery prepared from Jakarta head office. Those impressive experience and impressive might be  can be share among engineer or refiner.

Special more information will written  in detail may be related to  hydrocarbon process unit in Refinery such as  in Utilities facilities, Hydrogen Plant, Residue Catalytic Cracking Unit (RCC / RFCC), Propylene Recovery unit,  Hydrodemetalization Unit, CDU, Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit / CCR-Platforming Unit, Naphtha Isomerization Unit, Lube Oil Plant, Paraxylene, and many other units.

The RefineryNusantara.Com will describes and Posting many kind of stories, experience, suggestions in the form of stories strung together, and attempted pull. All taken from the records of work experience, best practices, observation, comparation and a collection of applied science has ever applied in the processing activities at the Refinery Nusantara Indonesia. Several description will also be combined with information from various sources.  Technical Description is made so as to facilitate the author recalled, describing in simple and easy. It is expected that all things are presented can be useful for the reader, with a note “not to debate the numbers and accuracy”. This is consistent with the purpose of making this site, namely the sharing of stories rather than the accuracy of the data. Name Refinery Nusantara is used merely to facilitate freedom and free release the attachment information to any place and time.

From experience it is felt that all workers who devote themselves in the Refinery Nusantara has changed their life became an actual sort of special forces engaged in the task of strict discipline to be able to run the refinery, working in full awareness of safety at anytime and must obey the rules according to the proceed

